Q. Who can start a League?

Anyone who has a unique idea and interest to run a Shardeum community of their own region or has a niche can start a League.

Q. Are there any benchmarks to start a League?

No. You can start a League on any platform at any time.

Q. I already have a League but it’s not listed. How can I get it added to excel?

If you already have a league, all you have to do is list it here: shm.gg/new-league

Q. Can I get rewards for running a League? Yes, top Leagues every month win rewards from a prize pool of $1000. You can know more about the same here: Rewards criteria.

Q. Do league leaders qualify to get a Shardeum Contributor role? Yes, if you’re a league leader, you get a contributor role on Discord.

Q. If I'm running a League on different platforms, is it one league or multiple leagues?

It will be in different leagues.